Friday, February 14, 2025

Well, although updates may have previously been few and far between, here is some new content that may spark your interest!

A bunch of new photos from Spring Break 2007 have been added into the Photo Gallery "Uncategorized Photos" section. There are about 230 of them so far, which is a download of some pictures from just one camera brought on the trip to Riviera Maya, Mexico.

I'd love to add more as they are made available. If you had a spring break experience this season, feel free to send your photos to and I can put them online if they're appropriate.

I hope you enjoy the new content and as always feel free to contact if you have any questions about updates or would like to submit your own photos!


As most of you have probably noticed, has not been updated in quite some time. Well, I thought maybe I would post an update, to say that will continue to not get updated. I thought that maybe this was necessary, seeing as though statistics show a few people are still coming to the site.

This decision has been made because it is very hard to upkeep a school site for a school in which you no longer attend. That, and well, it comes down to time & availability.

I am open to suggestions on how to handle the root of, if you have any ideas for posting content for the new school years ahead, feel free to submit them to me! I have left the site up mainly for archival purposes, and I think a few people still get a kick out of the photo gallery and the video archive sections of the site. Aside from the "entertainment" aspects of the site, still is in use by the members of the Forest Edge Staff, taking advantage of their web site administration section for approving articles to get published in the paper.

At any rate, this main page will most likely not change unless some feedback comes forth on how to update it with new content. As always, I am available via


Chris Harper
Forest Hills Central Graduate '03

Friday, February 14, 2025
1 user currently online

  Photo Gallery: 2,497 images total

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